About Quirky Girl Studio

Hi everyone, I'm Fizzy and I'm so glad you have discovered my blog.  I'm 13 years old and am in my second year of high school. As I'm sure you know, being 13 isn't always easy, but it can be fun. As as tween or a teen there is a lot of pressure to be 'cool' and have all the latest stuff. Everyone pretends to be cool and everyone pretends to like what the 'cool' kids like. But I have decided that I am not going to be that kid. I would prefer to be myself and love the things I love, for example op shopping, animals, sport and being eco friendly. I don't have all the latest gadgets and latest stuff, but that doesn't matter. I am learning that who I am as a person is what really matters.  It is much more important to be happy being yourself rather than to be miserable being 'cool'.

"Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love"
Emma Watson

The most important thing to remember is to be yourself and that's the only rule around here.

Use the links on the side to follow me via email, Blogger or Google+. You can also follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

I am looking forward to sharing my ideas with you.


  1. Hi, just wanted to let you know that I have tagged you in an Olympics tag post. Please see my blog for the post and more information.

  2. Hi Fizzy. I have just started reading your blog and I like your quirky quotes, keep them going. I am also from Australia and I have just moved to London. If you would like to visit my blog here is the link: www.longjourneyahead.com I am also on Bloglovin’ and I am following you.

    1. Hi Moo, Sorry I haven't replied to this. I just found it in my spam inbox. I followed your blog and on bloglovin. :)

  3. Hi Fizzy
    I'm Gracie and I'm also 12! My blog is graciechicksblog.wordpress.com

    I agree with you, I am proud to be different! Yeah, different is good!
    Love Gracie

    1. Hi Gracie, I love your blog! You are a very talented writer. I can't wait to read more. :)

    2. Thanks, Fizzy! That's awesome! I love your blog too.

  4. Hi again Fizzy

    I love how you write about being different and I was wondering if you'd like to write a guest blog for me? I'd like it to be about how it's good to be different, how there's pressure to be 'cool' and the decision you made to not give in to that pressure.
    Let me know what you think.

    1. Hi Gracie, Thanks so much for asking me I would love to write a guest post for you! I am finished school now so that makes it easier for me. Would you like me to email it to you after I am finished?
      Thanks again.

    2. Hi Fizzy
      Not sure if you got my last comment? I was just saying that I'd rather not put my email in a comment, but if you follow me, I'd probably get yours? Would that be alright by you?
      Thank you so much,

  5. Hi Fizzy
    Thanks, that's great! I'm so excited.
    I'd rather not make my email address public in a comment, but I think if you follow me, I will get your email. Or, if you don't mind giving me your email address through a comment, that's fine. It's up to you.
    Thanks again,

    1. Hi Gracie, Thanks for letting me know. I am happy to write the post. I will be in touch as soon as I have finished. :)

  6. Hello,
    I am ten years old and I really enjoy reading you blogs. I have just started my own blog, you can look at it at aviobserver.blogspot.com

  7. Hi Aviobserver, I just looked at your blog. I think it is well written and I enjoy looking at it. I am looking forward to following you. :)

  8. Hi! I love the quote you added in your all about me. You can check out my own blog at https://nishthascreativeblog.blogspot.sg/ I hope you enjoy my posts :)

    1. Hi Nishtha, I think your blog is awesome! I especially love the layout. I am looking forward to following it.
