Friday, 23 June 2017

The Issues With Popularity

Hi Everyone... This is probably the longest time that I have been absent from this blog. I really apologise for the lack of posts. I am on holidays now so more things will be up on the blog.

I decided that I would write this post about popularity. At school there is always a popular group who act like they are better than everyone else. I am not popular but naturally sometimes I wish I was. The popular group always have the cool things such as the latest gadgets, clothes and have watched the latest television shows. I realised through observing this that I could do all of that hoping to be in the popular group an the situation could go two ways. Firstly I could become popular, but how is that going to impact my happiness if I am always trying to be popular? Secondly, they would look at me as someone who is trying too hard and brush me off. That wouldn't have a great effect on me either. Everybody at one point in their life wishes to be something they are not. There is no point in wishing to be something you are not because it is only going to make you more unhappy than you were in the first place. Instead, embrace the fact that you are who you are. Make the most of being different to others. The only rule is to be yourself and if you stick to that you will be successful no matter what!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below.
